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Peer-reviewed publications

Jacksohn, A., Tovar Reaños, M.A., Pothen, F. and Rehdanz, K. (2023):
Trends in household demand and greenhouse gas footprints in Germany:

Evidence from microdata of the last 20 years

Ecological Economics 208: 107757.


Pothen, F. and Hübler, M. (2021):

A Forward Calibration Method for Analyzing Energy Policy in New Quantitative Trade Models

Energy Economics 100: 105352.

Hübler, M. and Pothen, F. (2021):

Can Smart Policies Reconcile Singapore’s Green Economy with Sand Imports from Southeast Asia?

PLOS one e0248882.

Pothen, F. and Welsch, H. (2019):

Economic Development and Material Use. Evidence from International Panel Data

World Development 115:107–119.

Pothen, F. and Hübler, M. (2018):

The Interaction of Climate and Trade Policy
European Economic Review 107:1–26.

Pothen, F. and Tovar Reaños, M. A. (2018):

The Distribution of Material Footprints in Germany

Ecological Economics 153:237–251.

Kaltenegger, O., Löschel, A. and Pothen, F. (2017):

The Effect of Globalisation on Energy Footprints: Disentangling the Links of

Global Value Chains

Energy Economics, 68 (Supplement 1):148–168.

Pothen, F. (2017):

A Structural Decomposition of Global Raw Material Consumption

Ecological Economics 141:154–165.

Hübler, M. and Pothen, F. (2017):

Trade-induced Productivity Gains Reduce Incentives to Impose Strategic Tariffs 

Economic Modelling 61:420–431.

Löschel, A., Pothen, F. and Schymura, M. (2015):

Peeling the Onion: Analyzing Aggregate, National and Sectoral Energy Intensity in the European Union

Energy Economics 52 (Supplement 1):S63–S75.

Pothen, F. and Schymura, M. (2015):

Bigger Cakes with Fewer Ingredients? A Comparison of Material Use of the World Economy

Ecological Economics 109:109–121.


Selected other publications

Pothen, F. and Brock, L.V. (2021):

Scrap Bonus Concrete

Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW

Study commissioned by Bundesvereinigung Deutscher Stahlrecycling- und Entsorgungsunternehmen (BDSV), Halle (Saale).

Pothen, F., Growitsch, C., Engelhardt, J. and Reif, C. (2019):

Scrap Bonus. External Costs and Fair Competition in the Global Value Chains of Steelmaking

Fraunhofer Institute for Microstructure of Materials and Systems IMWS, Study commissioned by Bundesvereinigung Deutscher Stahlrecycling und Entsorgungsunternehmen (BDSV), Halle (Saale).

Pothen, F., Growitsch, C. and Engelhardt, J. (2019):

Die Automobilindustrie im Wandel. Beschäftigungspolitische Implikationen des Automobilsektors für die chemische, die gummi- und kunststoffverarbeitende Industrie [The Automotive Industry in Transition. Implications of the Automotive Industry for Employment in the Chemical, Rubber and Plastics Industry]

Fraunhofer Institute for Microstructure of Materials and Systems IMWS, study commissioned by Stiftung Arbeit und Umwelt of the IG BCE, Halle (Saale).

Pothen, F. and Growitsch, C. (2019):

Stahl als Enabler der Kreislaufwirtschaft aus der Perspektive der Haushalt in Deutschland [Steel Enables the Circular Economy from the Perspective of Households in Germany]

Fraunhofer Institute for Microstructure of Materials and Systems IMWS, study commissioned by Wirtschaftsvereinigung Stahl, Halle (Saale).

Koesler, S. and Pothen, F. (2013):

The Basic WIOD CGE Model: A Computable General Equilibrium Model Based on the World Input-Output Database

ZEW Dokumentation 13-04, Mannheim, Germany.

Pothen, F., Goeschl, T. and Löschel, A. (2013):

Strategic Trade Policy and Critical Raw Materials in Stainless Steel Production

Study commissioned by KMR Stainless AG, Mannheim, Germany.

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